◆ 4顆跟6顆按摩頭,設置溫熱及揉捏功能 ◆ 按摩頭運轉方向可自動進行正反轉調節 ◆ 溫度過熱自動斷電裝置。 ◆ 甜美造型,高密度海綿,靠墊或抱枕之用。
◆ 4顆跟6顆按摩頭供選擇,同時設置溫熱及揉捏功能,讓按摩更加舒適到位。
◆ 按摩頭運轉方向可自動進行正反轉調節。
◆ 具有溫度過熱自動斷電保護裝置。
◆ 各式甜美的造型,高密度超彈性海綿,可作為靠墊或抱枕之用。
◆ 12V低電壓居家車用皆可。
◆ 20分鐘自動定時關機。
◆ 4 soft,springy massage heads with built-in heating and kneading.
◆ Massage heads can be directed clockwise or counter-clockwise.
◆ Built-in over-heating prevention mechanism.
◆ Various exteriordesigns to choose from, high-density foam can be shaped for maximum comfort.
◆ DC 12V power supply makes it safe in the home or car.
◆ Automatic timer:Automatically powers down after each cycle (20 minutes).
Massage heads can be replaced with 6 springy massage heads and built-in tapping, kneading and heating function(Patented design).